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Best Gardening Tips

Updated on January 14, 2015
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For years, Yvonne has been developing a sustainable homestead complete with chickens, food plants, on-site water, solar power, and more.

Fresh corn, tomatoes, eggplant and okra.
Fresh corn, tomatoes, eggplant and okra.

Vegetable, Fruit and Sustainable Organic Gardening

I'm always looking for good references about gardening and I found a goldmine right here on HubPages. If you're like me and want to learn about the current trends in sustainable and organic vegetable, fruit and even flower gardening, then you should find this page helpful.

Home Grown Fruits and Vegetables

Pears, butternut squash, Iciban eggplant and heirloom tomatoes including Cherokee Purple and rainbow are just a few of the delicious bounty from our backyard garden.
Pears, butternut squash, Iciban eggplant and heirloom tomatoes including Cherokee Purple and rainbow are just a few of the delicious bounty from our backyard garden.

Benefits of Gardening

Gardening is an enjoyable and healthy hobby. Not only do you get exercise while gardening, but you are rewarded with delicious fruits, vegetables and herbs to feed your body and lovely flowers to feed your soul.

When I garden, I enjoy the outdoors and the nature around me. I listen to the songs of the birds, the voices of the frogs and the hum of the insects. I am delighted when a butterfly or hummingbird moth flits over to drink from one of the flowers that I planted. When I am in my garden, all is right with the world.

Hummer Moth Visiting Monarda Flowers

Moths, butterflies and bees are important pollinators. Planting flowering herbs and edible flowers around the garden will bring in more pollinators.
Moths, butterflies and bees are important pollinators. Planting flowering herbs and edible flowers around the garden will bring in more pollinators. | Source

Hummer Moth Postcard by naturegirl7

Gaia's Garden

Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, 2nd Edition
Gaia's Garden: A Guide to Home-Scale Permaculture, 2nd Edition
If you are interested in trying sustainabile gardening, Gaia's Garden is a good place to start. It explains sustainability and shows you how to implement the methods into any space.

Backyard Experiment in Sustainable Garden Video

A tour of a fabulous garden that is an experiment in backyard sustainability.

Gardening Poll

Do you grow vegetables, fruit or herbs?

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A basket of green and purple eggplants and carrots.
A basket of green and purple eggplants and carrots.

Find a Sunny Spot

You can grow your own vegetables in a small space or even in large flower pots. If you have some open lawn, just put some wet layers of newspaper over the grass in a sunny spot and heap leaves and good soil on top. The newspaper will kill the grass and it will provide nutrients for your vegetable plants. Pretty soon, you'll be eating juicy tomatoes and crisp cucumbers.

Container Herb Garden

Both herbs and vegetables can be grown in large containers. Drip hoses provide irrigation during droughts.The pots contain sage, rosemary and several varieties of mint.
Both herbs and vegetables can be grown in large containers. Drip hoses provide irrigation during droughts.The pots contain sage, rosemary and several varieties of mint.

Nesting Birds Eat Lots of Bugs

Putting up bluebird houses for cavity nesting birds will increase the numbers of your "free pest control squad". Birds such as Carolina wrens, Carolina chickadees, Prothonotary warblers and Tufted titmice nest in this size box and will eat thousands of insects each breeding season.

Prothonotary on Box

If you build it, they will come.
If you build it, they will come. | Source

Rodales Guide to Organic Gardening

Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Indispensable Green Resource for Every Gardener (Rodale Organic Gardening)
Rodale's Ultimate Encyclopedia of Organic Gardening: The Indispensable Green Resource for Every Gardener (Rodale Organic Gardening)
Organic gardening is the way to go when growing fruits, vegetables or herbs in the backyard. Rodale's book is a complete guide, showing pest and disesease control methods as well as fertilizing and growing guides.

Organic Vegetable Gardening Video

Lasagna Gardening

I use lasagna techniques in my yard. No more digging and toiling in the heavy clay. I just layer with newspaper, leaves, compost, bagged topsoil and other materials. This book contains step by step instructions on the easy, less labor intensive, organic way to garden.

Heirloom Tomatoes, Still Green

While heirloom tomatoes such as Cherokee Purple, Golden Girl and others are more tasty than most of the supermarket varieties, they are usually not available in groceries. Many of these old-fashioned varieties which were developed by home gardeners and have stood the test of time are more disease resistant.

Today I am sure no one needs to be told that the more birds a yard can support, the fewer insects there will be to trouble the gardener the following year.

— Thalassa Cruso

Birds Are Free Pest Control

This white eyed vireo built her nest in a sassafras tree near the vegetable garden. During breeding season vireos and other insectivores help to rid plants of harmful insect pests.
This white eyed vireo built her nest in a sassafras tree near the vegetable garden. During breeding season vireos and other insectivores help to rid plants of harmful insect pests.

Learn more about sustainable and organic garden on the pages below.

© 2009 Yvonne L B


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